About Me

Hi, I’m Megan! I grew up in an old farm house on 20 acres in rural southwest Michigan. I was fortunate enough to be homeschooled by my mother from 4th grade through 8th grade before attending a private school for high school. During those years at home, my mom would often take us “dead relative hunting” at the local county archives. At the time, I didn’t understand my mother’s obsession but that would later change! At age 18, I left our small town to spread my wings and traveled across the county to Denver where I attended college. I spent my 20’s and early 30’s working on my career, saving for a house and traveling around the world. Now in my late 30’s, I have “settled down” and now reside in southwest, Michigan in a charming little bungalow with my wonderful husband and three-year-old son. I work full time in the hospitality industry and enjoy history, traveling, gardening, treasure hunting (antiquing) and genealogy! What started out many years ago with my mother and her aunt searching for our Native American roots, has snowballed into a multi-generational passion for family history. Though we have yet to find any Native ancestry, our journey has uncovered shocking secrets, amazing stories, and countless hardships our family endured throughout our history. My goal for this website is to share what we have learned and honor them through the process. I want my generation and the future decedents of my ancestors to hear these stories, see these images and be proud of our colorful heritage.

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