Family Profile: Gilbert & Sarah Jennings

their Story

Though they were known to be on the more serious, proper and pragmatic side of life, there was much love and kindness in their household. Their family was close knit, and they knew how to work hard yet still make time for each other. 

Sarah Jane Miles

Was born on January 29th, 1861 in Polk, Indiana to parents Thomas Miles and Hettie Ann Keener. In 1878, at age 17, she married Gilbert Jennings in a small church in Andrews. They immediately moved into their homestead that Gilbert built and began working the land and starting their family.  Over the span of 19 years, they had 11 children together. Tragedy would come to the family when two of their sons would pass away at young ages. In 1898, their nine-year-old son, Bennie, died of dropsy. Nine years later, their son Fletcher was tragically killed by a falling tree on their farm. His brother (my great-great-grandfather Cecil) was present at the accident and assisted his father with removing the tree off his poor 4 year old brother. This incident plagued the family with sadness and greatly affected my grandfather, Cecil. In September, 1928 she and Gilbert celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Between 150-200 friends and family joined them at their farm for a dinner party on their lawn. Sarah would spend her entire life living on their homestead in Polk, Indiana until she passed away in 1939 at age 78. She is buried alongside her husband Gilbert in Riverside Cemetery in Andrews.

Gilbert Mills Jennings

Was born on March 17th, 1854 in Wabash, Indiana to parents William Jennings and Deborah Mills. They were Quakers from Warren County, Ohio. He was only two years old when his mother passed away. His father was soon remarried to a woman by the name of Rachel Thorn who moved to Lagro with her family from New Jersey. She was 19 years younger than him and had been previously married three times. He spent his boyhood on his father’s farm and became self-supporting at age 11. Gilbert’s occupation was always a farmer and he farmed the land on his homestead. He was well respected in his community and served as a member of the board of supervisors, as well as became the township assessor for a period of time. He and Sarah were consistent members of the Christian Church and had many friends in Polk Township. He passed away on August 14th in Huntington, Indiana at age of 84.

The Jennings homestead

The Old Jennings Homestead in Polk Township, Huntington County, Indiana

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