Cecil's Occupation

A Brief History

In 1911, Edmund Wasmuth and C. E. Endicott founded the Wasmusth-Endicott Company in Andrews, Indiana. Better known as "Kitchen Maid", this factory was renowned for its quality kitchen cabinetry and the very popular "Hoosier Cabinet." The company remained in business for almost 60 years until in closed its doors in 1970. In the years to follow, the site would be home to several other companies that manufactured a variety of products from conversion van seats to camper trailers. Sadly, in the 1980's some kids started a fire that would burn down the front half of the plant. As of 2022, it is now used as an outdoor storage complex housing several large boats on its expansive concrete lot.

view of the factory today (2022)

Our Family's Connection

John Jennings: Kitchen Maid Factory | Part 1
John Jennings: Kitchen Maid Factory | Part 2
John Jennings: Kitchen Maid Factory | Part 3

Cecil's Accident

The Huntington Press | 13 Oct 1927
The Huntington Herald | 15 Oct 1927

At age 35, while working at the cabinet factory, grandpa Cecil was seriously injured when a wrench he was using slipped causing his hand to come into contact with his saw. He lost three of the fingers on his right hand in the accident.  In the majority of photos of him, he either has his hand behind his back or is clasping his hands together to hide them. In this rare photo–taken of him in his back yard–you can see his three “nubs.”

A Family Affair: Cousin Jim Jennings shares his memories of working along side his grandpa Cecil at the Kitchen Maid Factory in the late 1950's.

Video Footage of andrews in 1937