Jennings Family Stories

The videos below are of Cecil & Leona's grandchildren sharing their memories and stories around the table together at the
Jennings Family Runion - July. 2022

I'm going to marry that man!

Cecil and Leona’s grandson, John Jennings, shares the story of the first time Leona set her eyes on Cecil Jennings at the Jennings Chapel. 


Grandpa's Shirt

Cecil and Leona’s grandson, Jim Jennings, recounts the memory of getting married in his grandpa Cecil’s new shirt in 1963.


Naked in the ditch

Cecil and Leona’s granddaughter, Rose, recounts ther memory of an incocent day of childhood play with the neighborhood kids. Unfortunalty, the adults weren’t too keen! 


Kool-Aid Mishap

Jim Jennings, recounts the memory of the time he surprised his grandmother Leona with  a special treat around the rim!


Eat'n Crow

Jim Jennings shares about the time he and his cousin Dexter Jennings and their wives went on a fishing trip in Northern Michigan. 


Two Dandy Sandwiches

Jim Jennings shares about the time his cousin Dexter couldn’t send him home without a couple sandwiches for the road. 


Model t & the Bucket

Jim Jennings shares about the time his grandmother Leona took a trip to get a chicken and her car had a run in with a bucket.


Granddaughters Share their Memories

Cecil and Leona’s granddaughters, Mary Ann, Sherla, Rose and Beverly share their fond chilhood memories of grandma Leona in Andrews. 


The story of Robert Jennings House

Robert Jennings’ daughter in law, Susan (wife of Bobbie Lee Jennigns) tells the evolution of her husband’s parent’s house. What begain as a small 400 sq. ft. house, has grown with the family over the years and as fate would have it, is now the place her and her husband call home.